We're we'll we're not quite off yet. We still have to collect our belongings and pack them tightly in the van, but we're almost off on our journey to the east coast.
Why the East Coast you say? We'll why not? There are lots of people there, some of them might just need some BRCM.
Wednesday we'll be hanging out in Brooklyn and then playing a show at Public Assembly with Fun Machine (some of whom are also in The Roadside Graves who played in New Orleans with us) and Ben De La Garza. There was also a band of Asian chicks who were going to play with us called the Hard Nips, but one of them had to go to Japan suddenly and had to cancel (for serious).
Then we'll be driving to Philly on Thursday for a show at North Star Bar with The Lovely Feathers and Robes. Then after that is the drive to New Orleans via Athens, GA. So if you know any one who lives in New York or Phillidelphia, give them a call and tell them why they should come to one of our shows there, and give them our telephone numbers so we can hang out with them.
We hope to have more blogging and news from the road, but we'll be a little limited by being tethered to land internet instead of having one of those fancy shmancy iPhones or wireless cards. Hope to see some people out, hope to stay warm and well fed, and hope we don't run off the road on our long drive.
Your Friendly Loud Neighbor,
Michael of Big Rock Candy Mountain
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Jambase likes you. Because it jams your base.
Oh yeah! Jambase reviewed Hey Kid a few days ago and needless to say... they hated it. Yup, we suck again! That's alright, we can't be winners all the time.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Exit Reading Rainbow Stage Left
We made a short vid with Smiley With a Knife promoting the show tomorrow. Also our tribute to Reading Rainbow as it goes off the air...
Thanks to Static TV for plugging us!
Thanks to Static TV for plugging us!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Friday Before the Saturday That is Coming up in a Couple of Days
Wait... We must be stupid... been talking about this sweet show coming up in NOLA town, and we FUCKING FORGOT that we're playing at FUCKING ARTMOSPHERE on FUCKING FRIDAY! We didn't actually forget. I forgot to post about it... fucking stupid.. sorry
That's right, folks. This Friday we're heading over to Lafayette to play with Nashville folk rockers, the Viatones. Join us if you're in the area. We've been writing heavily these past few months, and mike and I just finished the lyrics to three of them.
Oil Drilling, Family Strife, Vampire chicks. These are the things that we write about. These are the things that we sing about. Join us, and witness these... puts on sunglasses ... things.
That's right, folks. This Friday we're heading over to Lafayette to play with Nashville folk rockers, the Viatones. Join us if you're in the area. We've been writing heavily these past few months, and mike and I just finished the lyrics to three of them.
Oil Drilling, Family Strife, Vampire chicks. These are the things that we write about. These are the things that we sing about. Join us, and witness these... puts on sunglasses ... things.
Carrollton Station Picture Takin

Our dear friend Zack Smith, photographer and drummer extraordinaire, has this fantastic gadget called a lightbox that he's bringing to our show at Carrolton Station. I'll quote from an e-mail he sent out yesterday.
"I will be setting up a very unique portrait project this Saturday, August 29th - on the 4 year Anniversary of Katrina.
I have customized an old sign to become a portrait light box and will be photographing individual faces at a show in New Orleans. This is not just any show, this collection of fairly new New Orleans rock ensembles exemplifies the new influx of experimental, and unique rock bands Post-K. I think this fresh scene is just at it's beginning, and i will be there to shoot the faces of this renaissance.
Come be a part of it - if only to pass by and get photographed if you are in the neighborhood or to witness these bands.:
Zack Smith
This is the first installment of a series called "Rock Portraits," and he's going to collect all of the portraits and display them in one large format shot. Us boys in BRCM were pretty excited about this, Zack Smith is a pretty awesome friend of ours, and we love getting our picture taken by him, and that picture he took with the lightbox looks pretty cool. However, what the f#$@ is a lightbox?
We really have no clue.
Come to the show and find out.
Saturday, Aug 29th
Caddywhompus @10
Free Pitcher Takin
Monday, August 24, 2009
Welcome Back / Sunglasses Pt. 1
***This is a two part post. It will be pleasure for the first part and also pleasure for the second part***
Good day? Why yes it is! The weather is fucking beautiful here in NOLA town. It must be nearing the end of summer. Know what that means? BACK TO FUCKING SCHOOL SHOW!!!

That's right. We will be joining Caddywhompus and Smiley with a Knife this weekend for a back to the grind celebration. Check it at Carrollton Station this Saturday.
So it has been decided that every once and a while, We will be posting some videos. Of us? No. We can't afford a video camera (... yet) We will be posting things of a much...
puts on sunglasses
darker nature....
Have you ever thought about movies where people start to say something, put on their sunglasses in a badass way, and then finish the tagline? You know what I'm talking about. When a character must pause in the middle of a catchy phrase to put them cool shades on? Fuck yeah...
Anyway, we have two for this installment. Here is the first, from a most excellent film...
Good day? Why yes it is! The weather is fucking beautiful here in NOLA town. It must be nearing the end of summer. Know what that means? BACK TO FUCKING SCHOOL SHOW!!!

That's right. We will be joining Caddywhompus and Smiley with a Knife this weekend for a back to the grind celebration. Check it at Carrollton Station this Saturday.
So it has been decided that every once and a while, We will be posting some videos. Of us? No. We can't afford a video camera (... yet) We will be posting things of a much...
puts on sunglasses
darker nature....
Have you ever thought about movies where people start to say something, put on their sunglasses in a badass way, and then finish the tagline? You know what I'm talking about. When a character must pause in the middle of a catchy phrase to put them cool shades on? Fuck yeah...
Anyway, we have two for this installment. Here is the first, from a most excellent film...
"Gentlemen..." puts on sunglasses "We're history."
Fast forward eight years, and we arrive at the scene of two immigration officers in black suits...
Fast forward eight years, and we arrive at the scene of two immigration officers in black suits...
"You know what the difference is between you and me?" puts on sunglasses "I make this look good."
There you have it. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and Men In Black. Icons of science fiction cinema. Who knew that a comedian and a hip hop star could pull off time travel and ET policing, respectively, while still looking cool as fuck and wearing sunglasses? Have any suggestions? shoot us an email and it may make it on the next entry.
puts on sunglasses
next time...
puts on sunglasses
next time...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Good Show! Good Food!
We owned d.b.a like that monkey guy from 2001: A Space Odyssey
I'm talking about this guy
Thanks to Rotary Downs, Sam and John from Glasgow for the help and support, and especially you fuckers. If any of y'all took pictures and feel like sharing, send them shitz our way.
In other news, I (Stephen) just got namedropped in a local corner store's website. Singleton's Mini Mart, of bad ass poboys and 40oz OE fame, loves the shit out of me because I love the shit out of their food. Eat there.

I'm talking about this guy
Thanks to Rotary Downs, Sam and John from Glasgow for the help and support, and especially you fuckers. If any of y'all took pictures and feel like sharing, send them shitz our way.
In other news, I (Stephen) just got namedropped in a local corner store's website. Singleton's Mini Mart, of bad ass poboys and 40oz OE fame, loves the shit out of me because I love the shit out of their food. Eat there.
Rotary Downs,
Singleton's Mini Mart
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