Sunday, October 11, 2009

We're off to see the Wizard

We're we'll we're not quite off yet.   We still have to collect our belongings and pack them tightly in the van, but we're almost off on our journey to the east coast.

Why the East Coast you say?   We'll why not? There are lots of people there, some of them might just need some BRCM.

Wednesday we'll be hanging out in Brooklyn and then playing a show at Public Assembly with Fun Machine (some of whom are also in The Roadside Graves who played in New Orleans with us) and Ben De La Garza.   There was also a band of Asian chicks who were going to play with us called the Hard Nips, but one of them had to go to Japan suddenly and had to cancel (for serious).

Then we'll be driving to Philly on Thursday for a show at North Star Bar with The Lovely Feathers and  Robes. Then after that is the drive to New Orleans via Athens, GA.  So if you know any one who lives in New York or Phillidelphia, give them a call and tell them why they should come to one of our shows there, and give them our telephone numbers so we can hang out with them.  

We hope to have more blogging and news from the road, but we'll be a little limited by being tethered to land internet instead of having one of those fancy shmancy iPhones or wireless cards.   Hope to see some people out, hope to stay warm and well fed, and hope we don't run off the road on our long drive.

Your Friendly Loud Neighbor,
Michael of Big Rock Candy Mountain

1 comment:

  1. michael ya'll ever make it out to lake charles?
